Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Favorites and Winner of PW Cookbook!

Hola people! What a fun week this has been. Not only do we find out Erica is having another red-headed crazy kid (yay!) but we also get to announce our first winner of our first giveaway. What an honor! Hee hee.

But first, I get to let you in on a favorite blog of mine. I have been following Annie's Eats for about 2 years. I have no idea how I originally found it but I love her choice of recipes and the photography caught my eye immediately. The photography on a blog is a big deal. I say if you're showcasing something, make it look amazing. But who am I to say. :) Okay, anyway, she makes the most fabulous array of delicious foods. There have been many times I've wanted to lick my screen. That's what keeps me going back to her blog. Here are some of my favorite photos. Check her out and try out a recipe.

This design originally came from the Hello Cupcake book. Annie adapted the colors and made these gorgeous.

You may be seeing these on this blog made by ME soon. Love the look of these. Yum!

Are these not adorable! And homemade! Yum. How cute would these be at a birthday party!

Annie not only does desserts. That is just what catches my eye. She also does main dishes, appetizers, the occasional tutorial, and party ideas. Love this gal. Check her out here! Have a fabulous weekend!


I'm so excited to announce the winner of our first giveaway!!  We used the random number generator and the LUCKY WINNER IS....The Langstons who said, "I should win just by virtue of being a man who follows your blog. And I posted it on facebook!"  Congrats, Lanny!  Email me your address to aerykat at gmail dot com or message it to my facebook, and we'll get that sent off ASAP, so you can start cooking amazing meals for your wifey.  YAY!


  1. Congratulations to Lanny..! wow you lucky one and like Moni said enjoy it. I think this is so awesome... and I have truly enjoyed it, the food, the ideas, sharing your precious moments, those beautiful pages Moni has done, and just to have friends that are so open to share their feelings and opinions!.. This is great and as their Mother it sure makes me happy to see my children have such a great time together even now that they are adults!..*I love you!*

  2. SON OF UH! I was sure it was going to be me. :) Those icecream sandwiches really are adorable. I may have to try them!


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