Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Resolutions-Part One

This really scares me to post my resolutions.  It means that I have 1,000's of people holding me to them, and I really don't want to fail.  So, maybe that's a good thing!  Maybe for once I can really follow through with them.!

Number One-Become a healthier me!  This also means I want to lose about 20 lbs.  I don't want to be a twig, but I do want to get rid of my AWESOME muffin top! :o)  I had my husband take a picture of me in the outfit I'd like to fit in, and let's just say, it was very comical.  So here I am posting in front of all of you that my starting weight is 148 lbs.  I will weigh in weekly, and keep you up to date on how things are going.

Number Two-Be more loving and patient with my kiddies.  I hope I'm not the only person who needs to work on this.  Having a chatty, hyper pre-teen and 2 toddler boys just really wears on me and I find myself losing my patience a lot more lately.  I want to be more like Michelle Duggar.  Not the 19 kid thing, but that patient thing.

The sweetest things...most the time.  :o)

Number Three-Train and Run a 10k!  This is the one I think I'm mostly excited for.  I trained for a 5k, and still haven't ran an official 5k marathong  *Tee hee*  I said, "marathong."  You know what I mean. I'm for sure gonna run the 4th of July Fun Run here in my local town.  Monica, and my two cousins, said they would run it too, so I am hoping everyone follows through and we can kick some butt! 

I've downloaded the Bridge to 10k on my iPhone.  I love it!

So so funny!

Number Four-Read the entire Book of Mormon.  I just can't seem to get into it.  I've tried numerous times to do this, but give up after the first couple weeks.  I'm gonna do it this time.  You'll see!

How cute is this?  I want mine to look like this!

So there you have it!  I will keep you up to date with how things are going.  Stay tuned for Monica's list of resolutions.  Exciting!  Have a great Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is awesome you plan on reading the BoM. I have read lots of bits and pieces but never cover to cover. And I am so excited to run a race with you! Love you lots!


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