Thursday, January 5, 2012

Resolutions -- Part 2

This is my year. For some reason I'm feeling very optimistic about things to come. My father in law is battling cancer right now. We are hoping and praying for a miracle. This shock to our family has put a little fight in me to live. Live each moment and each day as if it could be gone in an instant. Much much easier said than done. But I think it's worth a try. I love Erica's goals and she has inspired me to not be so selfish in my goals and think of others too. There are a hundred saying and quotes on living but this one caught my eye.

 amazing inspirational quotes-05

My main goal this year is to GET HEALTHY. There are so many aspects to that so I have come up with some small goals to hopefully get me to my main goal.

#1 Run a Half Marathon (Physical Health)
I have always wanted to do this but have never been able to get past the mental thing. When I'm at my most painful moment while running my mind easily talks me into the fact that "I can't do this". I've always started this goal only to give up later. That really bothers me, because I try hard to teach my kids to be persistent and to never give up. I hate a quitter yet I keep letting myself down in the running department. Well, this is my year. The stars have aligned to get me to my goal. I'm not prego, I have a kidless chunk of time in the morning to train, and I have a supportive husband and friends. Now it's just me. I have to get past the mental deal.

So, I'm signing up for The Oz Half Marathon in Olathe Kansas. I've been running and training starts January 30th. Scary and exciting! I'll be keeping you updated on my training. Along with this race I plan on running the Ragnar Relay Race in Utah and a 4th of July 10k in Idaho. I'm excited.

#2 Goodbye Candy (Physical Health)
In the meantime with all this running I'm hoping to shed the rest of this baby weight along with my previous two pregnancies. I'm not brave enough to share my starting weight like Erica. Let's just say my goal weight is 145. Ha ha! She has always been the skinny sister. Really though, I have come to a point in my life where I'm past being skinny. I just want to be healthy. That is my goal.

To help me with this endeavor I've given up candy for the year. I'm not one to totally deprive myself. I don't think that is helpful in the long run. I could never give up all sweets. I did want to give up something and I knew candy was doable. So, since midnight January 1st I haven't had candy and I'm not even sad about it. :)

#3 Remember Important Dates (Mental Health)
I'm really bad at this and it makes me feel terrible. I love my family and friends and I really want to be better at letting them know. My mother in law gave me a calendar with all the birthdays on it and I've already bought my first card of the year. At the end of the year, if I've remembered everyone's birthdays I'll feel pretty darn awesome. :)

#4 Daily Prayer (Spiritual Health)
I believe in God and I believe He knows that. I'm just hoping to tell Him a little more often.

#5 Finish 3 big Scrapbooking Projects (Creative Health) <--- I made that up. :)
Ugh. These projects have been weighing me down for awhile. I have two options, let them go or get them done! One being Maggie's 1st year, can't let that go, that could be a relationship changer! :) The other is my Project 365 from 2009. Seriously. It will drive me nuts half done, so I guess it's a mental health thing too!

Well, that's it! I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now but I have a run under my belt today and on I go. I plan on giving you updates through my training and as I complete projects. I love this life we live. Sometimes it really bites but overall it's so worth it. I want to live because I can and I'm here. What an amazing gift we've been given. To create, to love, to be, to live. Lucky us. :)


  1. You.are.awesome! That's all there is to it! You can achieve all of your goals. Love you!

  2. Just stumbled on your blog, and really loved what you said about your scrapbooking projects - let them go or get them done - isn't that the truth about so much in life? Really inspiring for the New Year. Thanks! I'm excited to see whacha got in this blog.

  3. I'm SO rooting for you in the OZ 1/2 marathon. You are inspiring me to make this an amazing year for myself as well. GO MONICA!! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Good for you Monica! You are the one who inspired me to do the couch to 5k program, so thank you so much! Hopefully I can keep following your example and someday run a half like you!


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