Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Favorite

I've seen a lot of fun blogs lately. I can't get over at how many beautiful crafty talented people there are out there. I love the blogging community and the hundreds of ideas available to us. I've been looking for chore chart ideas and I think I know what I want to do but just haven't crossed that off my list yet. In my search I found a cute blog called The Crafting Chicks. They are a group of friends that share the blog posting all their gorgeous crafting ideas. If you're feeling like you need a project then head on over and check it out! Here are a few things that caught my eye.

 I love this idea! It is a summer merit badge program! Check out the post here, but in general it is a list of tasks for your child to learn to earn "badges" for the summer. Love it!

Here is another fun summertime post with ideas on keeping the kids busy.

They have lots of cute Father's Day ideas on their home page. I love this little board. I think my kiddos would love to draw dad a picture or write a little note to him.

They feature a lot of other crafters and blogs too. Seriously, their blog is a plethora of ideas. Check it out!!! Have a happy Friday! I love Friday. It's movie night at our house! :)


  1. i feel much the same way. then i curse myself for finding so much inspiration and not having all the time i need/want to get them all done! very cute finds lady!

  2. I can't wait to be at your house for movie night next week!!!!


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