Thursday, September 8, 2011

I had an Epiphany

I told Aaron and he just rolled his eyes. Pfff, whatever. I've always struggled with papers. You know what I'm talking about, all the millions of papers that seem to stream into your home day by day. You get paper in the mail, stuck to your door, from school (so much paper!), from church, etc. etc. Right? Well, my paper gets piled into piles and every once in awhile gets "organized" into better piles and somewhat filed. Blah. It's never worked for me.

So, this is where the epiphany comes in. I realized while going through my papers that if I put all these papers in a binder with tabs and pockets pertaining to finances, school schedules, important dates, meal planning, etc., I would be better organized, find things quicker, pay bills more promptly, and not forget what color shirt Maggie is supposed to wear or when picture day is! Sounds glorious, right? No eye rolling people, that's what Aaron did.

Okay, so I realized about 2 minutes after my epiphany, that this probably isn't a brilliant idea and that there are probably other people that have already done this. Come in, Pinterest. Oh lovely Pinterest. I typed in "Family Planner" and whala, a whole page of ideas. Darn smart people out there, I'm always just a little behind in my brilliance.

My favorite link was to the I Heart Organizing blog. She did a whole challenge last March on making a Family Planner and had links to other blogs who followed along. Jackpot for me! Here are some photos of her amazing binder.

Cute and functional. I like it!!

A cleaning checklist. Nice!

I'm excited for this part. I've always wanted a better method for remembering important dates.

She goes over her whole binder and offers her printables from her Etsy shop here.

So this has been my project this week. I've just started to gather things and work on my own printables for my binder. I'm hoping to have this done in a week or two to show you. I'm picturing a more streamlined organized way to keep track of all my papers. Wish me luck! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! You crack me up. :o) Looks kind of fun. Can't wait to see what you create for your family.


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