Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fools Day!

Some moms totally get into this day and I've seen some cute ideas floating around. I've had my eye on a certain cupcake for awhile and was excited to make these. If you've never flipped through Hello Cupcake or What's New Cupcake, you need to. They have some really fun cupcake ideas. I have both books, but have never attempted any. Although they are fun to look at, they look very time consuming.

These cuties were simple enough so I made them to surprise my kiddos.

Fun, right? I told the kids I had just bought a brand new carton of eggs and dropped them. Maggie looked at them, then looked at me and said, "really?" She was kinda fooled. Ben wasn't fooled at all. Anyway, I hope your family had a fun day. We would love to hear how you fooled your kids. Next year I'll get Ben!

Have a great weekend!!!!


  1. You are amazing, Sis! Those are so flippin' cute! What a great idea!!

  2. Those are adorable cupcakes!!! This is one of my favorite days of the year! My first trick I printed off a fake brochure to a summer chore camp, and told my two older kids they were going. Then for dinner I made Chicken Not Pies which looked like them but it was really vanilla pudding, bananas (potatoes), dried apples slices (chicken), peas carrots and corn (starburst and jolly rancher chews cut up). My kids are patiently waiting for Dad to come home and eat his... The looks on their faces was worth the effort!

  3. Wow! You are so amazing. How did you make those egg cupcakes? Those are amazing and such a fun idea. I love it! I think it's funny how you said Ben wasn't fooled at all. Does that mean he's used to you fooling him :)

  4. I those aren't cute, I don't know what is!


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