Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday Favorites

Where did this week go? I intended to get more done but with heat out (and now thankfully working again) my motivation went out the window. I have a laundry pile and a messy craft table to prove it. So I will be featuring my advent calendar garland next week.

Today you get a Friday Favorite. As you may know, I love baking. One of the things that I have envied is some bakers' ability to decorate sugar cookies like this...

and like this...

I have decorated once like this before. I wish I had a picture and they did turn out cute. They were a basic daisy shape with yellow centers and colored petals. Anyhoo, what I learned from them was how incredibly time consuming they were! I bet with practice and a more streamlined approach it could have gone quicker. But I loved them and I got really good responses from them. But since then I've just envied those that did it.

I was blog hopping the other day and stumbled upon Bake at 350. She does lots of different baking but her main deal are these fabulous cookies. I was in awe and a bit jealous of her mad skills. Anyway, check out her blog. You will be amazed too.

Hope everyone had a wonderful WARM week. Everyday is one day closer to Christmas! Yay! See ya Monday with a couple neighbor or teacher gift ideas. :)

1 comment:

  1. Those cookies are definately pretty. I don't think i'd have the patience.


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