Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Owl Taggies

I sewed. Can you believe it? Niether can I. :) My friend had twins recently and I made these adorable little Owl Taggies for her sweet little babes. As you know, owls are huge right now. They are everywhere and so stinkin' adorable. What is it about those pointy ears and large eyes?

The pattern is mine but I have seen stuffed owls here and there on the web. As far as the tags go though, my friend Megan makes these stinkin' cute stuffed blocks with tags and I figured the owl would be cute with tags too. Since I've made these, I've seen some stuffed owls with tags. Go figure, goes to show that hardly any ideas are original. Anyway, here are my cute lil' Owl Taggies. If I ever get my scanner to work I'll share my pattern with you. Would anyone be interested? Cause if there's no interest, I'm not going through the trouble. Let me know. :)

Have a happy Wednesday! Get ready, because Friday we have a Giveaway! It's a good one! Stay tuned!


  1. those are adorable! I would love the pattern :)

  2. Adorable! You seriously amaze me. I want to be just like you. I want the pattern!

  3. Love them!! I have a similar pattern, but your feet are FAR cuter. I see that I have some of the same fabric too.. great minds! ;)

  4. You made up the pattern?!! You're cool. I miss you. Come back.

  5. These are precious!! I've been trying to get my sisters to make some for luck so far. Yours are absolutely adorable.

  6. Pretty darn cute!! You are a talented woman!

  7. I just discovered your blog. I'm enjoying the blend of personal, recipe, and crafts. I would like the pattern, too. :)

  8. The pattern is a MUST. These are A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.


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