Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Digi Day

Hi Friends! Happy Tuesday! We just spent a wonderful weekend in St. Louis. It was kinda our last hurrah before Aaron started school again. Life is back to normal which is good and kinda sucks at the same time. If you know what I mean. But I'm realizing we only have 4 months before this wiggly new little person joins our family and I have a lot to get done. So, I'll take my everyday routine again.

Okay, first and foremost. Today is the last day to enter our drawing for a FREE Shutterfly photobook. It is a 20 page 8x8, perfect for documenting an event in your life. These are great little coffee table books that get picked up again and again. My sis in law displays hers in her living room and I almost always pick one up when I'm there and flip through it. ENTER HERE.

As far as my own scrapping goes. I have had a rough month. I seriously can't believe how fast March has gone. Yikes. I have lots to do. I did get done Lesson 6 from Digi in Deeper. I had been holding off on this lesson because I didnt' have any cool cities we had visited. Well, my little family had a great time in St. Louis seeing the sites and I was ready to get this one done. I think it turned out well. Lots of cool techniques with this one.

Okay, I plan on doing some serious late night scrappin' this week so I'll have some layouts to share next week. In the meantime, check out JessicaSprague.com. There are a lot of fun new products over there. Plus, some fun classes coming up. Have a great day!!!


  1. Once again, amazing!

  2. I can't believe I almost missed out on entering your give away! Phew! I'm in. So, great work again as always. I feel inspired and ashamed all at the same time!

  3. LOVE that pic of the arch. Great layout!

  4. What a great layout...I LOVE that arch. Your silhouette is perfect! Did you know my papa is from St. Louis? I have never been there, though.


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