Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Well Hello!

For those that don't know me, I love to bake. My dream is to start my own bakery in my little hometown in Idaho. I want to bake for the love of it. Baking for me is a learning process, a long one. Working full-time and raising two kiddos doesn't give me a lot of excess time for doing everything I love, but I fit it in when I can.

Recently, my husband and I were strolling through Costco when Aaron looked up at me from across the aisle. His eyes were lit up, and excited as he was flipping through a book. Curious, I walked over to him and also was in awe at the book he was holding. We flipped through the book and he said, "you have to get this". I didn't argue and excitedly put it in our jumbo cart. Ever since then I've flipped through this book multiple times dreaming of all the cupcakes I'm going to make. Well, it's been two months and I haven't made a single one. The book I'm talking about is by no other than the fabulous Martha Stewart. It is called Martha Stewart's Cupcakes.

Even more recently, Aaron and I went to the movie Julia and Julie. I adored the movie, I adored Julia. Well, after the movie I got the idea to do a blog making the recipes from Martha Stewart's book. Let's face it, I could never make any fancy French recipes, but I CAN bake. So, this is the start of My Cupcake Journey making 175 cupcakes. I will give more details of my Journey in the follow up post. Wish me luck, follow along, and please, come by and have some cupcakes!

Edited to Add:
I've joined an official Martha Stewart Cupcakes Club. Call me a nerd, but I thought it would be fun to follow along with other bakers in this blogging world. I mean who was I kidding thinking I had thought of this idea! Come to find out there are many many bloggers out there doing the same thing. SugarB from eatmycupcake.com started the club and you can find the blog roll of participating bloggers on her website. The club requires baking one MS cupcake per month chosen by a club member. I will also be baking 1-2 other cupcakes per month for my own fun. I missed Augusts cupcake so stay tuned for both August and Septembers club entry.


  1. You better call me every time you make a batch - I will be there in a flash. I volunteer to be your official "taste tester"! Maybe I'll start my own blog to document my weight gain from trying 175 cupcakes :o)

  2. Wish you lived closer, so I could come have some cupcakes! Sounds like lots of fun! Maybe we can mark off a couple here. Love you

  3. You are so talented and creative. If you don't already follow this blog, I highly recommend it: www.bakerella.blogspot.com. I think you'll get a lot of great ideas from this chick; I think she makes cupcakes every day of her life!

  4. I'm so glad I found this blog. Your aunt Gretchen is in my ward and she just wrote about your blog on facebook. So much fun. Can't wait to see more of the cupcakes you bake. I'm pretty obsessed with cupcakes myself. I'm gonna have to buy me that MS book.


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