Sunday, August 23, 2009

MS Chocolate Salted-Caramel Cupcakes

Oh my, oh my! I am so excited about this I can hardly stand it. Let's just say I spent most of my day baking these babies and they turned out beautifully! This is a chocolate cake filled with caramel, sprinkled with sea salt, and topped with a dark chocolate frosting. A little bit of chocolate heaven. They are rich, moist, and delicious. I have tried making chocolate cake from scratch before and failed miserably. Since then I have mostly used doctored cake mixes and have gotten good responses from those. I was a little nervous to try a scratch recipe again, but was very pleased with the results. I will definately use this cake recipe again. The original recipe is supposed to make 56 mini cupcakes, but I went for the standard size and got nineteen. You can find this recipe on page 148 of Martha Stewart's Cupcakes. Enjoy the photos, they really were as good as they look. The lucky recipients of these babies are my lovely in-laws.

The batter was runnier than I am used to.

This is the first time I have ever made my own caramel. I was nervous the whole time because it was taking forever to hit 360 degrees. No worries, I think I could have taken it off the heat a little quicker, but I like the dark caramel. It was yummy.

After the caramel is spooned in, I sprinkled a little sea salt on. I was excited for this because I love how sweet and salty mix.

Whala! The finished cupcake! They are so beautiful.

This cupcake stand was my sweet grandmother's. I lost her this summer. She would be so happy to see such lovely treats on it.

Don't you just want to take a bite of this! I know you do.

And here is the caramel filled center. Yummy goodness surrounded by cake, my idea of a little heaven.

Stay tuned! More yummy cuppies to come! If you are from my area, I would love to share my creations with you. Seriously, let me know if you're interested and I will let you know next time I'm baking.


  1. Wow Monica! This looks super yummy.
    PS I miss you guys living in our ward...

  2. Oh...MY...GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!! I am seriously drooling. I am so buying this book. I wish I lived closer, so you could bring me some. Mmmmmm...anything with salt on them. Even sweets. Good job, sis. I can't wait to see the next creation. Oh, and I love that you put them on Grandma's stand. Love you.

  3. YUMMMMMMMMMM!!! My husband and I are both drooling now. :) I want that book! I think cupcakes are so fun to make!!! :)

  4. These look awesome! Welcome to MSC =]


  5. Moni... I am not a bit surprised. You can do anything you put your hands and mind on. Very delicious looking and I am sure very yummy tasting... lucky in laws!

  6. Those look absolutely scrumptious. But you'll have to give me one of yours because there is no way I'm going to all that work! :) You are amazing.

  7. MMMM, my mouth is watering!!! Cool blog Monica! Can't wait to see more yummy-ness!

  8. I'm only a hop, skip and a quick car ride away, especially if they look as yummy as these! Is there anything you do don't do? You are amazing!

  9. You seriously are amazing! How do you find the time? Hey-any time you want to share, my fam would be all about that! :)

  10. HOLY CRAP!! They were AMAZING!! I think I have found a new love - sorry Brian.

  11. oooooh- you are just sinful. In a good way.

  12. Oh Moni I would give my right arm for one of those! They look amazing! I am excited to follow your cupcake making. Wish I had the time to join you right now. love you.

  13. Being one of the lucky recipients, I can attest to the deliciousness of these cupcakes. They were so yummy! I'm hoping that we will get to be the lucky recipients on a regular basis.

  14. I so want to try these. They look divine. I love cupcakes as it is. I think I need to get my hands on Martha's little cookbook now. I can taste the sweet with the salty right now. MMMMMMM. Thanks for posting. By the way, I found your blog from Erica's facebook. Thank you Erica...

  15. They look like heaven...or at least my version, anyway ;)

  16. you are so talented, i burn everything. those look delicious. awesome blog!

  17. These look SO good! You are such a talented baker!


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