Thursday, October 15, 2009

MSC Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes

Please tell me how adorable these little pumpkins are.  I mean really!  Look at them!  They are so stinkin' cute I can hardly stand it.  I was so looking forward to this cupcake.  Nothing says fall to me than pumpkin whatever baking in the oven.  Oh man, I wish I could somehow send the smell through your screen because my mouth waters just thinking of it.  Soooo yummy. 

So if you can't tell these are a pumpkin cupcake with cream cheese frosting and little marzipan pumpkins just hanging out on top looking all cute.  As far as the cupcake goes these were very easy to prepare.  They came out very moist with a fluffy crumb.  I have made this cream cheese frosting before.  I still love it.  It is really so yummy you must try it.  You can find it here.

The batter was very thick.  I folded in the pumpkin by hand.  It gave the batter a beautiful orange color.  I scooped the batter in my cupcake wrappers with this.  Is anyone out there still spooning your cupcake batter in?  I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I don't like any batter dripped on my pan.  That is why I use the scoop.  I got mine from Pampered Chef.  I love it.

These baked up beautifully.  You can't tell in this picture but they had a beautiful orange tint.  Oh I couldn't wait to try one!  The cake by itself is very tasty.  It definately needed to be topped though.

Mmmmmmmm.  Yum.

My finished product.  I did enjoy making the little pumpkins once I got the color mixed in.  I hate that part.  Speaking of marzipan, does anyone have a good source for marzipan?  I got mine at the grocery store and it was okay.  I've had better.  I'm not sure how many people actually eat these anyway.  I'm thinking they are more for decoration?

I got this adorable little pedestal from my in-laws for my birthday.  I'm in love with it.  Thank you Bob and Marilyln!  You two are always so thoughtful!  Don't they look pretty?

I thought my little pumpkins needed a friennd.  Mr. Jack-o-lantern designed by my little boy.  I really do love this time of year!  :)  Overall I would say this cupcake is a 4.5.  It was so yummy.  Hopefully it holds up for tomorrow.  We'll see.  You can find this recipe on page 236 of Martha Stewart's Cupcakes.  Stay tuned!  Two more cupcakes this month!


  1. I love the marzipan pumpkins - they just look so perfect!, but the cupcake liners are even prettier! I love them!

  2. They were scrumptious!! Seriously, who doesn't love Pumpkin and Cream cheese! The little pumpkin toppers were adorable, I can't believe you did them by hand. You are amazingly talented. maybe we'll have to do a girls night out Cupcake while we are gone! Thanks for sharing some with me, it made my day!

  3. I am so impressed with the marzipan pumpkins. I took the easy route with the decorations, and I thought that the cakes were really good.

  4. Way to go with the marzipan pumpkins. They look fantastic and that pedestal is too cute. My marzipan pumpkins were just decorations and were thrown away after the icing was licked off of them. I'm glad you liked these. Thanks for baking along with me this month.

  5. Wow! Yours look amazing! Very nicely put together with the pedastal, liners and pumpkin! Very impressed with your marzipan pumpkins--great job!

  6. Great job! They look exactly like the ones in the book.

  7. Seriously, Sis. Can you be anymore talented. These look amazing! I want to try one so bad!!!

  8. Those pumpkins are absolutely adorable! I don't really like the marzipan I find at the grocery store either. :( I'm on the hunt for a better one. I always use a round measuring tablespoon to scoop my batter, and it's usually mess-free! Love your cupcake pedestal!

  9. Such cute cupcakes! I love the pumpkins! They are adorable and add the perfect touch! I can't wait to try these!

  10. your cupcakes are so cute! you did a fabulous job on those pumpkins!

  11. absolutely gorgeous!! I'm jealous of your cake stand

  12. Oh no, I give these a 5-no 4.5! They were sooooo good. I loved them. And the frosting-the best I have had! Thanks again!

  13. I love your cupcake stand, what a great idea with the ribbon and being able to change it for whatever holiday/season you want. Your marzipan pumpkins turned out great, too!

  14. I love MSG!! So cute!! Who knew you were so creative!!!

  15. Once again they were delightful! Keep em' coming! I am with you on the smell of pumpkin in the oven - I think it is one of my all time favorite scents! Thanks again Monica, you are the greatest. Enjoy your weekend away :o)

  16. Oh, everything is just so cute! I love the little pumpkins - great job! And that cake stand is just too much! I want one. - mary the food librarian

  17. How adorable and cute your cupcakes are! I mean FRIGGIN adorable! Love them!

    Look at the cake stand too. I want one! ;)

    Thanks for baking along with us! You are too awesome.

  18. Love, love, L-O-V-E the fluted liners you used and your cake stand! Gorgeous photographs!

  19. You're pumpkins turned out beautiful and I LOVE your cake stand...too cute!


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