Thursday, September 20, 2012

GIVEAWAY from The Rubied Apple

Did I catch your attention?  I hope so!  I'm so excited about this sweet giveaway.  One of our sponsors was so gracious to send us some of her beautiful creations to giveaway to some of our readers.  Her name is Nakia.  And she has a shop on etsy called The Rubied Apple.  She is so talented and I absolutely LOVE her aprons.  They are fun, sexy, and sophisticated.  Who doesn't want to feel that way when they are whipping up something yummy in the kitchen.  Make sure to check out her fun etsy shop and her Facebook page.

Here's her bio-

My name is Nakia. I am a mom, wife, friend, photographer and student. I spend most of my time with my little one or at my sewing machine making aprons.
I LOVE TO MAKE APRONS and I love to capture memories with my camera.
The Rubied Apple came about for the purpose to help pay for my son's medical expenses, he has a disorder called Tuberous Sclerosis. I woke up one morning and there it was Rubied Apple. It is fitting because health and wellness(Apple) is so precious (Ruby (ied) ).
I first started with making aprons. When I look at an apron it is not just a piece of cloth that covers you from stuff getting on you, but I honestly see love, and care in those who wear them.
I feel like someone who wears an apron will take the time to care for me.
Another way you can like my Rubied Apple is at my FACEBOOK page
Hope to see you there!

Here's the style of apron we will be sending our lucky winner.  I don't have a picture of the one I have to send out, but it will be in this style.  

How gorgeous, and sexy is this little number?

I know you want one as much as I do!

You can enter up to 3 times.  Here's how-
1st entry-If you are a follower on our blog, leave a comment.
2nd Entry-If you follow us, and The Rubied Apple on Facebook, leave a comment.
3rd Entry-If you share this fun giveaway on your facebook page, or twitter account or anywhere that people will see it. Make sure to leave a comment.

And there you have it!  Good luck!  You have until Thursday of next week to enter.  We will announce the winner on Friday, the 28th.  Yay!  

Have a happy Thursday!

Love, Monica and Erica*


  1. Such a cute apron!

  2. Love Nakia's creations!
    I like her page on FB = )

  3. Huge fan of aprons, especially ones that can make a girl feel a little sexy :)

  4. I like house 344 and the Rubied Apple on facebook.

  5. Love, Love, Love these aprons! This particular one has a great design!

  6. I twittered!
    PS -- That pumpkin cake looks yummy!

  7. i shaired the bolg post on Facebook :)

  8. im following you and the rubied apple on facebook

  9. WOW! I'm SO excited! I've just e-mailed you. Can't wait to get my new apron! They are so awesome!


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